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Morning Stiffness Movement Routine

*low difficulty daily function hip knees low back neck shoulder Dec 20, 2022

Throughout the night, immobility and dehydration deplete the synovial fluid in your joints making them feel stiff and uncomfortable. Synovial fluid is a thick liquid located in your joints cushioning the ends of your bones and reducing friction when you move. Arthritic joints are very sensitive to synovial fluid levels and more prone to stiffness than other joints.

Perform this 3-minute morning movement routine before you get out of bed to get your joints moving safely and comfortably while stimulating the production of synovial fluid. You will feel better faster and be ready to start your day.

If you are looking for a simple and quick daily full-body exercise routine download my free 10-minute-a-day strength program. Learn more by clicking here.


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